14th RES Rehearsal of the 2014/2015 Season (Dress Rehearsal Vivera)

14th RES Rehearsal of the 2014/2015 Season (Dress Rehearsal Vivera)

Liam and I just arrived in the middle of the warmup, by Sara, tough to find parking near McDougall on an early Saturday morning. Some words form Len, yes we can stay to watch the Mads set after we are done. Leave the briefing as to how we get on or off stage to the break.

Break while the ABE sets up. Rest in place if you will. Multiple conversations, people buying tickets for the concert and our auction. Music stands and other things roaming round the space. All getting ready for the start of the rehearsal, and it sounds like we are ready to go.

Blog you later.

Working through the Vivaldi. Soloists and Alberta Baroque hitting it out of the park. Wonderful sounds! Part 6 Domine Deus – Soprano, continuo and Oboe, part 8 Alto, continuo, cello great blend. Part 10 Qui seeds ad dexteram Patris Mirielle does an excellent job on this Aria!


Cum Sancto is where Sara is looking for character, more minor fixes as we work through the notes. Stay in tune on the chromatic lines.

Break, which means we choristers need to practice our ons and offs, which can be challenging when mixing two choirs together in mid concert stream.

Well, that was the abbreviated break. Onto the Schubert with the University of Alberta Madrigal Singers.


Full run through, then onto parts that needed to be run again, normally we basses are running a little behind.

Now RES is done for today.

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