Day 9

Day 9

Today we get a bit of a lie in, not having to have our bags downstairs before 0930. So we will have a leisurely breakfast then load the 🚌 to Kenilworth.  Due to the size of our group we have to split the hotels so it caused a bit of a change up in our 🚌 assignments. Margot and I are still on the same coach but our son Liam will be at a different hotel.

By the way the Holiday Inn York definitely won the breakfast battle.

On the way to Kenilworth David filled in the time with a travelogue about accents, Bletchley Park and a bit about our day.

We arrived in Kenilworth dropped those who wanted to be let off near the other hotel and went to see a ruin.

Quite the ruin it was too, Kenilworth Castle!  Much changed since first buit, certainly since Elizabeth the first was here but more importantly since Walter Scott was here. He really lit the tourism fire for this place with his book titled Kenilworth. We had a little over two hours there and saw these sights. The pigeon mama was really quite worried about this egg in the nest she left on the dark stair. Good reason!

Back on the 🚌 for a quick hop back to town a check in to the hotel.

Then back on the the 🚌 for a trip into town for dinner.

Dinner was at the Virgin Castle

Dinner was an experience. First the hike to the pub Nd then when we arrived it was pretty full with locals, it was a Friday night after all. There were 17 of us in the snuggs and we were sent a round of cider from a group of locals and we ended up singing Nobody Knows as a thank you.

Meals ordered we had a great time. Mark and I remembering the Allan Sherman song “You Went The Wrong Way Old King Louis” and the whole album. It was Bastile Day.

Dinner done we made our way back to the 🚌, we were a couple of minutes late, oh well

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